G-SHOCK Lover is a BLOG selling Casio G-SHOCK watch which has been operating since 2016, exclusively brought to market the brand Casio G-SHOCK products with multiple functions, reasonable prices and unique design and distinctive.

G-SHOCK Lover believe in the business model that is efficient, transparent and every effort to comply with the demands of Sharia to ensure that the service is very affordable, no ads are misleading and there are no elements of hidden charges can interest among customers mobile services always looking for alternative savings.

In addition to offering highly competitive watches, G-SHOCK Lover who did not practice openly advertising has opened up the opportunity to have a clock G-SHOCK affordable to all interested individuals.

G-SHOCK Lover welcome all customers who want style with G-SHOCK watches and watches trying our transparent with no hidden charges and exploiting business platform offered.



Being a pioneer who made it to the global level in the industry with a unique marketing strategy that offers a reasonable price


Provide quality goods at very reasonable rates and every effort to comply with the obligations of the business.


  • Dealing with a more efficient and professional to the customer.
  • Handling business affairs in accordance with the procedure through work ethic and moral values among suppliers and customers.
  • Providing quality services by implementing various types of effective marketing techniques to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.
  • Always be alert and ready for any changes that happen to the quality of service improved from time to time.
  • Consistent in addressing the problem of reservation and purchase supplies for the delivery of the product can be channeled directly to the customer immediately.
  • To ensure customers buy our watches repeatedly
  • To ensure G-SHOCKLover will reach the goals of the target market and our sales budget.
  • To create awareness among consumers about the functioning of the existing watches in each clock G-SHOCK through product demonstrations.
  • Providing new options to consumers watches to save.

TIME : 8 a.m. till 5 p.m.
DAY : Monday to Saturday



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